Saturday 13 January 2018

Remove Knots From Necklaces

Hey guys, every so often, when you're doing as many yard sales and estate sales and garage sales as I do, you'll come across some gold jewellery that people will sell really cheap and you like to find anything that you can resell cheap, because, buy low and sell high is the way you make it in this business. Sometimes you'll find people that have gold necklace chains, very often, as a matter of fact, with knots in them and generally speaking a lot of people don't have the patience or the know how to handle knots and necklaces without kinking the chain or breaking the chain.

They just don't have the patience to handle it and deal with it, but you can actually do it very easy and a lot of people aren't aware of it. So I just wanted to show you something that I’ve been doing for years. I've showed a lot of other people and generally speaking, they've all said that it's the easiest way that they've, most of most of them had thrown jewellery out before, or let it go in their yard sells for a fraction of its worth. Simply because they couldn't handle simple knots and in order to get a lot out of a little, you can see how fine this gold chain is, to get a knot out of a fine gold chain like this you really only need to two instruments, perhaps three.

If your eyes aren't good enough to be able to see the knot and the chain very well you may have to invest in a good magnifying glass, but if your eyes are like mine the fairly decent you can still see fairly well. Really the only two things that you need are a safety pin and a pair of tweezers. Now not just any tweezers, but you need to find some that have a very fine point on them. I've actually done some grinding on these I used to work in a machine shop and I used to use these for precision work in the machine shop, but I use them now precision work with gold and silver necklaces and basically the only thing you have to do is you use the tweezers to stabilize the knot and if you'll just take the safety pin and find the centre of the knot.

The necklace chain comes in from this direction and goes out from this direction, or it comes in from this direction, gets twisted and knotted up and goes out the other direction. So the easiest way to do this is just to begin by finding a centre point. Put your PIN through it and that's going to give you a hole to work with and then as you begin to pull it very gently, you can find the slack with the tweezers. Then if you'll just gently pull away from one another, usually any simple knot will come out fairly easily using this method and even complex knots where there's two and three knots all bonded together in the necklace chain, you can still do it.

You just have to work one knot at a time and to save time I'm not going to show you that method but you can see how simply that knot came out, just by using these two instruments. Now you can look at a solid gold chain with a knot in it, especially if it has a big huge complex knot somewhere in it and it's two and three knots all bound together you can look at a piece of jewellery like that and say it's worthless or if you've got the right eye and you know what you're doing, you can look at that as a business opportunity because you can buy low and sell high after you've done a minimal amount of work to it.

So take that for what it's worth, practice a little bit, I would suggest if you were going to do it practice on an old chain that you don't care if you can't get or break it but you can get pretty proficient at it, at a very fast rate and I hope this helps you the next time one of your personal items gets kinked or if you're like me and you're always looking for an opportunity to get something cheap and resell it. Till next time, bye, bye.

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